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Norsk Data software products1.5.9 - Norsk Data & Sintran Data software products

Here are some of the latest software products made by the Norsk Data and Sintran Data, available for downloading. You can download and use these programs freely, but only for "non-commercial use". Most of the programs are running without any software license key, but with some limitations on certain features. You have to purchase the product to get the full version.

All these programs are without any support what so ever. They are pretty self-explanatory, so none or very little documentation is available for most of the programs. For those applications that have some documentation (user guide, FAQ etc.) a link will be found on the program's homepage.

Questions, suggestions etc. can freely be send by email, but you will not get any direct response to this request. If the request is relevant, any corrections, additions or information may be found on the respective application's homepage or FAQ. By downloading any of these programs, you agree to these terms.

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This page was last updated 27. Jan. 2025
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