The project
- This project requires no additional hardware parts, but only the Arduino board itself.
- The idea for this project comes when I removed a buzzer from a Tandberg keyboard, this might be used for something fun.
- However the project became more of an exercise in creating a working Arduino Morse library.
- This project is using my Morse library.
- Use the Arduino board alone using the built in LED.
- Connect an external LED or buzzer, as you please.
- With this small program for the Arduino board, we can now send or print Morse code.
- This program can be downloaded and uploaded to the an Arduino board using Xloader.
- After downloading you can connect to the Arduino board using f.ex HyperTerminal.
- The program is using my own Arduino Morse library, version A00.
- The Arduino program COM001 has the following commands:
- a - Send the Morse code for the entire defined Morse alphabet. You can cancel this at any time by hitting any key.
- dn - Change the duration of a Morse dot, n is number of ms. All other durations are derived from this dot duration.
- fn - Change the tone frequency used if a buzzer is connected, n is frequency in Hz.
- h - Display the help screen.
- mx - Send the given text (x) as Morse code out on the defined output pin.
- pn - Change the output pin to be used, default is the built in LED, typical on pin 13.
- R - Reset the Arduino board (warmstart).
- s - Display the current program configuration/status.
- wx - Write the given text (x) as a string of dots and dashes.
ND no | Product | Language | Release | Title | Download | Files | Size | Original | Type |
292011.A00 | Arduino | EN | Jan. 2019 | COM001 |  | 1 | 9.1 KB | Yes | SW |
Version history
- Hardware
- Software
- A00 - 2019.01.01 - First released version
- Do you have buzzers or LEDs that I can buy?
- Nope.
- Can I buy an Arduino Uno and/or Arduino prototype board from you?
- Yes, but IT IS much cheaper to find and buy it on the internet.
- Can you build or help me build this project?
- No, there is nothing to build.
- Can I have the Arduino source sketch so I can modify it myself.
- No, you can NOT. You have to write your own sketch.
Hooked up to the Arduino board
Circuit diagram
Snapshot from a run