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Norsk Data hardware - ND-1001.4.1.5 - Norsk Data hardware - ND-100

ALD (Automatic Load Descriptor) selector/switch

The setting of the ALD switch selects what the CPU will do at a given situation. The automatic restart after a power fail depends on the setting of the ALD switch.

The result will depend on the position of the key switch (unlock or lock) and if the standby (S.B.) power is OK or not. The ALD also define what action to do when the LOAD button on the panel is pressed.

The Binary load is done from devices transferring one byte or a 16 bits word at a time. The Mass storage load is done from devices transferring a page (2048 bytes or 1024 16 bits words). The load will always be from controller number 1 and unit 0.

The Start in make the CPU start executing instructions at the given address.

reg. I12
Key on lock and
S.B. power OK
Key on unlock
S.B. power not OK
Key on unlock
and LOAD
2101600BBin load 1600BBin load 1600BBin load 1600BHDLC auto load
3100400BBin load 400BBin load 400BBin load 400BPaper tape reader 1
4121540BMass load 1540BMass load 1540BMass load 1540BECC disc controller 1
5120500BMass load 500BMass load 500BMass load 500B10Mb disc controller 1
6101560BBin load 1560BBin load 1560BBin load 1560BFloppy controller 1
80BStart in 20B   
921560BStart in 20BMass load 1560BMass load 1560BSCSI controller 1
Only available on the ND-110/120 CPU
101600BStart in 20BBin load 1600BBin load 1600BHDLC auto load
11400BStart in 20BBin load 400BBin load 400BPaper tape read 1
1221540BStart in 20BMass load 1540BMass load 1540BECC disc controller 1
1320500BStart in 20BMass load 500BMass load 500B10Mb disc controller 1
141560BStart in 20BBin load 1560BBin load 1560BFloppy controller 1
150BStart in 20BSTOPNothing 

This page was last updated 27. Jan. 2025
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