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Reload this page1.3.14 - Norsk Data library, File names

The syntax of a Sintran III file name without Cosmos is: (DIRECTORY:USER)FILE:TYPE;VERSION

The syntax of a Sintran III file name with Cosmos is: MACHINE(USER(PASSWORD)).(DIRECTORY:USER)FILE:TYPE;VERSION

Fields that are not required can be omitted. This means that you do not specify your own username when you access your own files and we do not give the MACHINE name to access local files, etc. The file type can be omitted if it match what the Sintran command, utility or applications have as default file type. Usually, the file VERSION is not specified since it is normally 1.

DIRECTORYThe name of the directory (disc, disc partion or pool), from 1 up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Typical names are: PACK-ONE, PACK-TWO, PACK-MAIN etc.
FILEThe name of the file, empty or from 1 up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
MACHINEThe name of another Norsk Data computer connected on the Cosmos (XMSG) network (not TCP/IP), from 1 up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
PASSWORDThe password for the given user area.
TYPEThe name of the type (extension), empty or from 1 up to 4 alphanumeric characters. The default file type depends on the Sintran command, utility or application.
USERThe name of the user area, empty or from 1 up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
VERSIONThe version of this file, a number from 1 up to 256. Normally used on spooling files only, if not given the file version will be 1.

This page was last updated 06. Nov. 2023
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