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Norsk Data utility, tools1.4.10.4 - Various equipment and tools

ESD - Wristband

This is the wristband used to ground yourself to the computer chassis before handling any ESD sensitive equipment like the different PCBs.

Some (like these) are permanently fixed to the computer chassis with a the wristband to snap on/off, other had an alligator clip to attach to the chassis or a ground wire.

ESD - Wristband
Wristband, front
ESD - Wristband
Wristband, back
ESD - Wristband
Wristband, package
ESD - Wristband
Wristband, note
ESD - Wristband
Wristband, box lable
ESD - Wristband
Wristband, full box

This page was last updated 06. Nov. 2023
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