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Reload this pageNorsk Data giveaways and office supplies

Here I have collected photos of everything I can find of ND giveaways and also everything I can find of office supplies that were used internally. These should bring back many good memories for former ND employees. When you put it all together as here, it turns out that there were quite a lot of items.

Unfortunately, many of the things and perhaps especially office supplies no longer exist, but it's amazing what people have actually taken care of. I thank everyone who has contributed by lending items and, not least, information.

There are currently different items (with pictures) to be found on these pages.

If you have more information about any of these ND-related items that you find on these pages, I am very interested in hearing from you, you can send me one mail here.

Should you be the happy owner of such things, I would very much like to borrow them for photography as well as hear what you can tell about the objects, do not hesitate to take contact.

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This page was last updated 27. Jan. 2025
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