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Reload this page1.2.1 - Norsk Data employees

Here we are, all the Norsk Data (ND) employees together with some information about each of us. Sorted by the ND initials, since we were very keen to use these.

The information on these pages are found in various telephone/initial lists, notes together with all the pictures and especially the Sibas database COPYBASE. This Sibas database was used by the superb internal programs PERS-SOEK and PERS-INFO.

Some employees are so lucky to have more than one picture (this is shown with a green frame), click on the picture to see the next one.

There are so far 145236 hits on these employees pages.

Currently employees with () pictures are available. Some pictures are not so pretty because of ink stains or other damages, sorry for that.

All employees with unknown initials are found under X. If you can help me with the initials, I will add them and move the employees to the correct place.

If there are any incorrect or missing information, please contact me so I can update these pages with as accurate information as possible (with documentation if possible).

The information is up to date according to these documents:

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z    Statistics

Here you can do a simple name search

Here you can do a search on initials

Here you can search by the office address

pictureND employee number.
ND initials, from the days when we used the Norwegian letters ÆØÅ.
ND initials, after they were internationalized (employees are sorted on this).
Employee date.
Resignation date.
The employee belongs to this division.
Last known office address.

This page was last updated 27. Jan. 2025
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